Brasil EUA

The issue of unemployment has been highlighted in recent years and has been growing steadily in Brazil and around the world. Which is likely to worsen due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, that is, this health crisis in which we are living. The IBGE, even before the Pandemic, had already found through the national household sample survey (PNAD) that the job market had been showing signs of deterioration (Exame, 2020). Given this context, if the scenario was not already positive, it tends to get worse during and after the pandemic. Cath will connect young people from communities in need of opportunity through their skills. The scenario is so critical that in the Federal District, according to the Federal District Planning Company (Codeplan), young people account for 41% of the 314,000 unemployed people. Of this total, 76.9% are black; and 54% are women. The problem gets worse when we talk about young people in the community, who often have to omit their address to have their opportunities due to prejudice. We are talking about a market of 7.3 million in Brazil alone, according to the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD).



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